Emotional Help For Kids Post Divorce
Anger, depression, grief, insecurity, and confusion are big emotions. Divorce is an emotional time for all parties involved but often none more so than the children. It is important to remember that children don’t respond to these emotions in the same way as adults do. They may lash out or completely withdraw from you. They may develop a fear of abandonment and sleep patterns or eating habits could change. Keeping these things in mind during your divorce and acting appropriately in response to them will help your children cope.
Talk to your kids and explain what is going on and why. Obviously, the age of the child should factor into the content of your discussions but allow them to know what is going on and the process they should expect will help to lessen the stress of divorce.
Be attentive
While you are no doubt going through your own emotions and stresses with your divorce, it is equally important to be attentive to your children and note their behavior. Often times, teens will act indifferently but this can be a representation of being confused or angry.
Be available
Both spouses being available to the kids will go a long way to help with any insecurities. They should know they can talk to you about what they are feeling or any questions or concerns they are having about their future.
Seek out professional assistance
Counseling can be an enormous benefit in helping kids cope with the emotions and stress of a divorce.
Avoid conflict
Obviously, if your divorce is not amicable there will be times that you and your spouse disagree. It is important to try to keep these disagreements away from the children. Ongoing conflict can erode effective parenting and contribute to the stress and emotional strain your child is going through.
Contact A Trusted Oklahoma City Family Attorney
Our law firm takes great pride in watching out for the welfare of both our clients and their children. Although divorce can be filled with highly volatile emotions — including anger, bitterness, and fear — a successful divorce attorney needs to be level-headed and able to see past these feelings. We take the emotional health of our clients and their children very seriously. Give our office a call today at 405-235-4500 and let us take care of you.