Posted on April 17, 2017
The final divorce decree that officially separates you from your spouse is not necessarily the end of a divorce. Depending on your circumstances, this can be either fortunate or unfortunate. Regardless, the flexibility in a divorce decree can impact you or your ex-spouse’s child support obligations, if it can be proven that there has been […]
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Anger, depression, grief, insecurity, and confusion are big emotions. Divorce is an emotional time for all parties involved but often none more so than the children. It is important to remember that children don’t respond to these emotions in the same way as adults do. They may lash out or completely withdraw from you. They […]
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Posted on February 14, 2017,
DivorceRaising a child is an expensive business. The basics of school, clothing, and food add up. As your son or daughter grows into themselves, they may become involved in sports, dance, music, and art. All of these extra activities and teams cost money to join and supply. Additionally, if your child needs additional medical care, […]
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Whether you are a small enterprise staffed entirely by yourself or a large business expanding throughout Oklahoma and Texas, you likely work with multiple other individuals or companies. It does not matter what product or service you offer, you need help from vendors, suppliers, financial experts, and marketing agencies to effectively draw in customers, close […]
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Preventable medical mistakes are now the third leading cause of fatalities in the United States, according to a study by Johns Hopkins Medicine. The researchers found more than 250,000 individuals die every year due to a medical error, not a medical condition or injury. With this figure, only heart disease and cancer are more deadly […]
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Last year Oklahoma joined 46 other states in legalizing some types of medical marijuana. The state now allows for the use of specific marijuana derivatives, particularly compound cannabidiol oil, to help treat children and adults who suffer from seizures. Oklahoma’s current law is limited, but it paves the way for more research and clinical trials […]
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Posted on September 17, 2016
Sometimes situations get out of hand. Arguments can lead to raised voices and unintended, empty threats. Most of the time, people’s personal disagreements end in a resolution or by someone walking away. But sometimes neighbors or witnesses misunderstand what is going on and fear for someone’s safety. People often misinterpret a situation they aren’t involved […]
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Handling a DUI charge is difficult, and it can take time to fully move on from the ramifications. Just when you are starting to forget the past, you can make another mistake or be falsely accused of driving while impaired again. If it has not been more than 10 years since your first DUI, another […]
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Sometimes spouses get to the point where they realize the best course of action is to part ways. It is difficult to decide to end a marriage and divide a family, but it can be the healthiest thing to do for everyone involved. Just as the decision to come to a divorce takes time, so […]
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The release of the laundry ‘pod’ in 2012 was supposed to be the answer to the dreaded laundry day. Now there would be no more measuring out detergent and softener for each load; instead, it was available in light, prepackaged squares. However, these colorful pods have become a growing danger to children across the country. […]
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