OKLAHOMA PROBATE LAW: DO I NEED A WILL? There are two primary reasons why everyone should execute a Last Will & Testament, regardless of the size of their estate or the level of their assets: (1) to ensure that their subjective intent is followed; and (2) to ensure the efficient disbursement of their assets upon […]
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Signs of Substandard Care in Oklahoma Nursing Homes: Bedsores
Bedsores, often referred to as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, are a sign that your loved one may be receiving negligent or substandard care in an Oklahoma nursing home. They occur most commonly where the skin is under constant pressure. For instance, Oklahoma nursing home residents who are bedridden can develop bedsores on their heels […]
Read MoreOklahoma DUI: I got pulled over for driving under the influence. Am I required to take a Breathalyzer test?
In Oklahoma, you are required to take a chemical test like the Breathalyzer to determine your blood alcohol content (BAC) if you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI). Oklahoma law mandates that a person arrested for DUI must submit to a breath, blood, urine or saliva test within two hours of driving. This […]
Read MoreWhat Factors Hinder the Adoption Process?
What factors hinder the adoption process?If you’ve ever been through the process of looking for a job you know that part of what will be included is a drug test and a background check. Even on an application, your potential employers will want to know if you’ve ever been arrested or convicted of a felony. […]
Read MoreMost Common Court Appeals That are Denied
Most Common Court Appeals That are DeniedW.E. Hickson was a British educational writer. He was the author of Time and Faith and was the editor of The Westminster Review. He wrote part of the Official Peace Version of the British National Anthem, which was approved by the Privy Council found in 1925 edition Songs of […]
Read MoreI need more Chemo than my doctor initially thought, now my insurance doesn’t want to pay for it
I need more Chemo than my doctor initially thought, now my insurance doesn’t want to pay for itDuring the 2012 NFL season there was a lot of controversy that surrounded one of the Monday night games on ESPN. This game was played between the Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks. During the final play […]
Read MoreThe pharmacist printed the wrong label on my medication and caused an overdose.
The pharmacist printed the wrong label on my medication and caused an overdose.Medicine is intended to treat illnesses and help make you well. You depend on your doctors to prescribe medication appropriate for your ailments, at the correct dosage and take proper precaution against any known allergies you may have. You also depend on the […]
Read MoreI think my ex-husband is abusing our children; can I appeal our custody agreement to include supervised visitations?
I think my ex-husband is abusing our children; can I appeal our custody agreement to include supervised visitations?The thought of any child enduring abuse is appalling. The thought of your own child being abused is beyond comprehension for most parents. When it’s happening under your own roof or with a neighbor or friend, dealing with […]
Read MoreI met my deductible, but the insurance company still won’t pay.
I met my deductible, but the insurance company still won’t pay.Insurance can be a complicated thing to try to understand. There are many insurance companies and plans and now with the Affordable Healthcare Act, there are even more things to consider. Deductibles, premiums, copayments, and coinsurance are all significant things you must consider when selecting […]
Read MoreWhat to do when health insurance won’t cover my prescription anymore?
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2007-2008, 1 out of every 5 children and 9 out of 10 older Americans reported using at least one prescription drug in the past month [i]. Prescription drugs are a necessity for the health and wellbeing of many individuals in America. Sometimes, a prescription can […]
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